Fitness and Pilates
Fitness and Pilates classes at Circle Yoga in Washington, DC, offer mindful, intelligent practices that focus on building core strength, stability, coordination, and balance. Our fitness and Pilates teachers are highly trained—each with years of experience—and attentive to the needs of each student. Choose from the classes below, and join us today!

Strength and Conditioning
Strength and Conditioning offers a full-body workout that will leave you feeling strong and energized. We combine strength building exercises with dynamic movement to build stamina, core stability, flexibility, and better balance—all while keeping an eye on form and alignment to keep our bodies safe. We use a variety of props, including hand weights and resistance bands, and we use a lot of our own body weight to provide resistance too! We work hard, have a great time, and always end class with a much-deserved relaxation.

Pilates Level 1
Pilates Level 1 students will learn the fundamental concepts and exercises of the Pilates system as they explore the low-impact mat exercise sequence. This is a mindful, intelligent practice that focuses on proper biomechanics and the breath, while developing core strength, stability, coordination, balance, and focus. Students learn how to protect themselves from injury and make appropriate adjustments for their own bodies.

Pilates Level 1-2
This is a fun, challenging, and faster paced class for intermediate to advanced mat Pilates students. Students are expected to know the fundamentals of core body activation and stabilization and be familiar with proper form/alignment and biomechanics. These concepts will be necessary as we focus on applying them to more advanced traditional Pilates exercises and more contemporary core and body strengthening exercises. Students will develop strength, flexibility, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, coordination, balance, and focus, as they work multiple planes of the body using props. This class is appropriate for students who have completed one session of the Pilates Level 1 class, or equivalent.