Yoga Level 1-2 and other intermediate level yoga classes are geared toward students who have some yoga experience and are looking to deepen their practice. Not sure where to start? Contact us, and we'll be happy to offer guidance.

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Yoga Level 1-2

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Building on the foundation of Level 1 classes, Yoga Level 1-2 includes more postures for the advanced beginner and some preparations for a Level 2 practice. Level 1-2 classes typically emphasize building strength and endurance in postures, refining alignment, and working with more challenging variations on basic postures. Level 1-2 is designed for continuing students who have taken Level 1 classes and who are familiar with basic standing and seated poses. Level 1-2 is not intended for students who are new to yoga.


Stretch, Strengthen and Align

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This class offers techniques to strengthen muscles, correct common imbalances, recruit breath to promote core functioning and release deeply held tension in body and mind so that you can feel better in your everyday activities. We combine traditional yoga poses with breathwork, self-myofascial release, corrective exercises, passive muscle release, stretch, and exploratory movement. Each week we target a specific relationship between regions of the body to build awareness and help you find your optimal alignment.

Liz in Low Lunge Vinyasa Yoga

Flow Level 1-2

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Flow yoga, also knows as vinyasa, involves moving through sequences of poses in rhythm with the breath. The focus is on dynamic movement, exploring the transitions that link poses together, and building strength and flexibility for more challenging postures. In Flow Level 1-2 classes, students work with sun salutations, standing pose sequences, and explore the subtler actions of the postures to build stamina and find ease in the movement. Students will also explore some backbends and supported inversions. Students should be very comfortable in Level 1 classes before taking Flow Level 1-2 classes. Flow Level 1-2 is not appropriate for students who are new to yoga.

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Supportive Yoga for Larger Bodies

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Do you have a large, round, or curvy body? Think yoga isn't for you or struggling to make yoga work for you? Want to learn new ways to support your body in your practice? In this class, you will learn to stretch, strengthen, and build endurance with a yoga practice designed to complement your individual shape. Michelle will help you explore all the amazing possibilities for your yoga practice with pacing, posture sequences, and variations on common poses that are specifically adapted for your body. More


Yoga and Functional Movement

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Part of the magic of yoga is that it invites us to move into body positions that are outside our habitual patterns. In this way we rediscover flexibility and build strength. Functional movement adds to that repertoire, emphasizing simpler forms that provide similar benefits. When both are employed with the breath, yoga and its impact grow. This class is most appropriate for students comfortable in a Level 1-2 practice.

Join us for Yoga Level 1-2 and other advanced beginner yoga classes at Circle Yoga in Washington, DC!