Whether you're looking for yoga for beginners, or you've been practicing for years but prefer a practice that focuses on the fundamentals, we have a variety of classes for you to choose from at Circle Yoga in Washington, DC. Our Yoga Level 1 classes are the usual starting point for beginners, but depending on your particular interests and needs, any of the classes below offer practices that are appropriate for Yoga Level 1 students. Not sure where to start? Contact us, and we'll be happy to offer guidance.

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Intro to Yoga

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Join Linda for an introduction to the basics of yoga, focusing on foundational poses, breathwork, and mindful movement, all in a supportive and welcoming studio environment. Whether you are brand new to yoga or looking to refresh your practice, this series will provide the tools to build strength, flexibility, and inner calm. This special six-week class series starts Monday, January 13, and continues through February 17. The course content builds progressively each week, but if you miss a class, we'll make sure you have the support you need to catch up. Each class is 45 minutes. Drop-ins welcome!

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Yoga Level 1

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Yoga Level 1 students learn the fundamental principles of yoga through basic standing and seated postures and breath awareness. Students who are new to yoga and those who seek to build confidence in their practice can feel comfortable in these beginner-level classes. Teachers emphasize respect for each student's ability, incorporating props and offering variations so that postures are accessible for all students.


Iyengar Yoga All Levels

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Iyengar Yoga is a form of Hatha yoga, based on the teachings of BKS Iyengar. This class emphasizes the importance of precision, alignment, and attention to detail in order to cultivate vitality of body and clarity of mind. Through the asanas, we explore the balance of stability and flexibility and work to bring intelligence and awareness into our actions, both on and off the mat. Props are used to enhance and/or modify the posture. Each class is thoughtfully sequenced and welcomes both the beginner and the more seasoned practitioner.


Stretch, Strengthen, and Align

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This class offers techniques to strengthen muscles, correct common imbalances, recruit breath to promote core functioning and release deeply held tension in body and mind so that you can feel better in your everyday activities. We combine traditional yoga poses with breathwork, self-myofascial release, corrective exercises, passive muscle release, stretch, and exploratory movement. Each week we target a specific relationship between regions of the body to build awareness and help you find your optimal alignment.

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Supportive Yoga for Larger Bodies

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Do you have a large, round, or curvy body? Think yoga isn't for you or struggling to make yoga work for you? Want to learn new ways to support your body in your practice? In this class, you will learn to stretch, strengthen, and build endurance with a yoga practice designed to complement your individual shape. Michelle will help you explore all the amazing possibilities for your yoga practice with pacing, posture sequences, and variations on common poses that are specifically adapted for your body. More


Yoga for a Healthy Back

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Coping with back trouble—or trying to avoid it? Use breath and movement to build awareness, mobility, and strength to support the upper, middle, and lower back. This class is based in yoga, and we'll incorporate other techniques including myofascial release and strengthening/stretching with resistance bands. Resistance bands are available for use at the studio. The Friday class is most appropriate for students who would otherwise attend a Yoga Level 1 or higher level class. The Sunday class is appropriate for all levels, including Gentle Yoga students. No previous yoga experience required.

Join us for Level 1 and beginner yoga classes at Circle Yoga in Washington, DC!