Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that March has already arrived, but when I see the purple and yellow crocuses in my neighbor’s yard, I know that spring is just around the corner.

My husband, Paul, celebrates the start of March, with his own personal holiday, March 4. He says it’s the only day of the year that tells you what to do, “March forth!” On this day, which he considers a “working holiday”, he aspires to finish projects that he is committed to, but has been putting off, and he also starts new ventures on this day. Sounds a lot like spring gardening to me — clean out the old to make room for the new. Preparing the soil and planting the seeds that will become spring flowers.

When I think about which project I might finish, it becomes clear to me that my life is filled with wonderful ongoing projects, none of which are really capable of ever being “finished”. Every day is a process of finishing and starting, finishing and starting….just when one thing is ending, another is beginning. There seems to be a rhythm to this, which doesn’t allow me the luxury of saying, “Whew, that’s done.”

Just like our yoga practice. On some level, we do finish projects. We’re done with our yoga class for this day, or we finish cleaning out the car. But on another level, these things are never-ending. How long does your car stay clean? We never really finish; we’re always in the process of finishing and starting over again. We are finishing Winter now, and getting ready to start Spring. But even as we enjoy the sunny warm days of Spring, Spring will be finishing and we will be moving toward Summer. This is the natural vibration of life, the spanda, which is the eternal cosmic dance. We can resist and be frustrated by our inability to finish anything – or jump into the vibrations and dance along with the universe.

This March, what are you in the process of finishing? And what is beginning for you? Perhaps you are ready to move to a more advanced yoga class, or perhaps you are ready to start taking two classes a week? Clear the soil…plant your seeds, and watch as your spring blooms arise.

Love to you,


Circle Yoga
It’s easy to Be here

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